Increase your capacity to DO MORE by learning how you can BECOME MORE.
About the Keynote.
In a world that has never felt more uncertain and out of control, the stressors of business are stretching even high achievers to their limits.
MORE is expected of business teams every day. Many are struggling to find the capacity or the motivation to keep stepping up. In this climate companies are losing good people.
Busy business leaders are ALWAYS ON in their personal and professional life. In their 40’s the honest ones admit they regularly hit their limits.
This is stressful, unsustainable, and often overwhelming in a world that is made more complicated by the ongoing uncertainties of a Covid-19 affected world.
In this keynote I point the way to how every high achiever can BECOME MORE so they can increase their capacity to DO MORE.
This message will help change thinking, and lead to changes in approach to life and work, changes that will bring encouraging results for individuals and for the businesses they serve.